Matt Stieger

Lead Minister

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< Matt & Emily

Hey friends! I grew up in the great city of Buffalo, NY. Following high school, my big city, Northeast, snow-loving self went to Ozark Christian College. After my first semester, I was awarded the “Best Accent in the dorm Award!” In 2008, I graduated with a Bachelor of Biblical Literature and a Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree. Shortly after graduation, God took me and my love for pizza and chicken wings to small-town Macon, Missouri. Probably one of the last places planned after college. I began serving at Crossroads as a co-minister in 2008. In 2010 my role shifted to Lead Minister, where I currently serve.

As previously mentioned, I love pizza and wings. However, since moving to the midwest, I have developed quite the obsession for good BBQ. I’ve yet to find anything that can beat a slab of ribs from Pappy’s in STL! I am also a big sports fan. I have enjoyed playing and watching them since I was a kid. Judge all you want, but my allegiances lie with the NY Mets, Buffalo Bills, and Buffalo Sabres (that’s hockey for my midwest friends:)

Stieger Crew

I love the people. It is a privilege to serve alongside people that don’t expect perfection, and all work to move toward Jesus together. It is an absolute joy to watch people courageously and sacrificially love the community around them for the sake of the kingdom. One of my favorite things to do is to observe our lobby in between services. It is filled with conversations, multiple generations, kids running around, and laughter. That atmosphere is not because it was programmed that way; it is because of the people of Crossroads who make it that way. 


Justin Miller- Connections Minister